Q1 · 2015More Life, please!
Hello everyone,
I hope you’ve had a good start to 2015. As usual, I’ve started the year doing what I like to do best – which is helping individuals and teams get better at what they do. Already, 2015 looks set to be my busiest yet, with demand for the P6PROP® program growing strongly. Existing clients are seeing its lasting value and seeking to spread the benefits more widely within their organizations, while word is also spreading to others who are new to the concept.
‘Spreading the word’ is key here
‘Spreading the word’ is the theme of this Spotlight on Performance, as so much is happening this year to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable high performance to business leaders. The event I want to tell you about in this edition is the imminent publication of my new book, More Life, Please!
Can we apply some of the P6PROP® concepts beyond our business environment? – Absolutely
The idea for the book came from the various business programs I lead. I noticed that many executives, including top performers and senior leaders, approached me during breaks to ask the same question: can we apply some of the P6PROP® concepts beyond our business environment to make our ability for high performance even more sustainable? It dawned on me that, in addition to the fact that I touch on people’s professional lives in the program, more and more participants are keen for advice on the home front.
How can a top performer in the business world reproduce the same highs?
I began asking myself: how can top performers in the business world reproduce the same highs when they come home to their family – even if the day has been exhausting? How can they get more out of all aspects of their life? The more I reflected on this, the more determined I became to search for some meaningful answers.
And here they are – in the form of More Life, Please! Instead of domestic friction because of stress and work overload, this book is all about getting more of the good things in life. Not more in material terms, but more joy, more satisfaction, more meaning, more love and more success – however you define it – at home as well as at work.
This book is not about curtailing your career at all. On the contrary, it shows how you can maintain your ambitions, and continue to achieve professionally, while at the same time creating the treasured moments for yourself and your family that build the strong foundations of your life.
It is the result of my sincere desire to help other people experience their lives more fully, to form stronger and deeper connections with their spouses and children, and to be more present, peaceful and mindful.
More Life, Please! brings together concepts, stories and concrete guidance
It outlines the conceptual view of each ‘P’ component in P6PROP® and explains how the concept can be put into practice. Let me give you three brief examples. It shows:
- How you can develop an inspiring family mission statement to which you all contribute, and through which you all gain clarity on what it really means to be part of a loving, supportive family unit, and the fundamental connection you have to each other.
- How you can introduce effective family-meetings into your home life. These get-togethers, usually held weekly, will enable you and your loved ones to avoid stress and friction by planning chores efficiently. Equally important, they will help all family members to agree and commit to shared leisure activities, which can create so many great moments and magical memories.
- How you can give structured support to other family members – and receive the same back from them – informing each other’s attitudes and behaviours, making each other emotionally stronger through meaningful, constructive feedback, and building an unbreakable bond between you.
To kick-start your journey towards ‘more life’, I have asked Tarina Wagschal, an international expert on work-life integration, to contribute to More Life, Please! with very specific, concrete and pragmatic tips.
So, don’t put this off! Now is the time to get more from your life – to achieve the fulfillment you so desire, that you’ve striven hard for and that you truly deserve.
Watch out for More Life, Please! published by Urbane Publications at the end of this month.
Your partner of choice for sustainable high performance.